おかえり、ジンジャー (Welcome Back, Ginger)

今週も、ジンジャーがお泊まりでやってきた。2度目なので、とてもリラックスしていて、先週と全然違う。この調子で自信をつけ、いいお家との出会いにつながってほしい。 (Ginger is back for her sleepover stay again. She is so much more relaxed compared to the last stay. I hope she regains her confidence and finds the good home she deserves.)

長ーい鼻! (Loooong nose!)

近くの公園を散歩。歩道の雪かきをしてくれていて、ありがたい。途中、道を間違え、1時間近く歩いた。ジンジャーは、どちらかというと、うちでのんびりが好きなようで、迷惑だったかも?でも、ひたすらテクテク歩いてくれた。おニューのブーツが大活躍!零度近くまで気温も上がって、着込んでたせいもあって、汗だくになった。 (I took her to the nearby park. It’s so nice the paths are plowed. I took a wrong turn in the middle and ended up walking for close to an hour. Ginger is more of a couch potato so it might’ve been a torture for her! Still, she dutifully walked without complaining. My new pair of boots proved itself as a good one! The temperature got up to the 30’s, so I was sweating in my multiple layers of clothings!)

疲れた〜 ほっといて下さい! (I’m exhausted. Please leave me alone!)

4 thoughts on “おかえり、ジンジャー (Welcome Back, Ginger)

  1. I know that Ginger is enjoying all the personal attention and quiet, comfortable surroundings, but I hope she gets a permanent home soon. She has such a nice expression.


    1. She is such a good girl. It’s got to be so hard to get adjusted to new places and people but she does at her (old) age! Someone will find her soon, I am sure!


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