番ネコ (A Watchcat)

ふと外を見たら、何かいる。なんと、長いロープに繋がれた、猫ちゃんだった。ハーネスまでしてる。お隣さんの猫で、たまにお散歩させてるのを目撃したことがあるのだが、きっと外が大好きなんだろう。 (When I looked out of my room, there was a cat with a long leash! Complete with a harness!! She is my neighbor’s cat and I’ve seen her being walked on a leash before. The cat must love being outside.)

1時間後、まだいた!退屈そうに座り込んでた。この不思議な光景に、車も人も止まって眺めることが多く、おかげで私のアパートも見張られてる感じで、安全かな?良い番猫だ!ちなみに、普段ここを走り回るリスや、飛び回る鳥たちの姿がなかった。ネズミも慌ててたんだろうな。 (She was still there about an hour later! She was just sitting on the grass, looking bored. Both cars and people stopped to look at this strange cat roaming around with a harness, which meant my apartment was also being watched by many. The kitty unintentionally provided me protection from crimes. What a fine watch-cat! I did notice the absence of the squirrels running around or birds flying around. Mice must’ve been alarmed big time, too.)

翌日、再びお出まし。前の日に相手をしたので覚えてたのか、「ミャーミャー!」と、まるで「おーい、出てこい〜」と言ってるかの様に鳴いて、実際私はそれに気づき、ご挨拶に参上した。名前忘れちゃったんだよね。今度聞いておかねば。。。 (She made another appearance the next day. She must’ve remembered me since I played with her a bit the day before; she was meowing loudly and persistently as if to say, “Hey you, come out of your room!” It worked! I heard her and went to say “hello.” I feel badly that I forgot her name. I have to remember to ask my neighbor.)

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